September 12, 2016 – During a ceremony on Sunday, Endicott College unveiled a permanent tribute on campus to honor the men and women who dedicate their talents, their careers and their lives in the service of others. The 28 foot by 30 foot sculpture park overlooks the Endicott lakes and will serve as a place for quiet reflection and inspiration. 


The main focal point of the sculpture park is a compass rose that features the insignia of five military branches and three groups of first responders: Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Air Force, Marines, Police, Fire, and EMTs. Granite blocks of varying heights surround the compass rose and carry the words that capture the traits of those who serve: integrity, respect, resolve, courage and vigilance. 


“Every day I am reminded of my gratitude and respect towards the men and women who work to keep us all safe,” said Dr. Richard E. Wylie, Endicott College President. “Endicott is proud to have this physical dedication here on campus to ensure generations to come are also reminded. This tribute serves as a thank you to those to have sacrificed their lives and livelihoods, and a promise that their sacrifices will always be appreciated to our fullest capability.”


The sculpture park was designed as a commemorative space where students can visit and reflect upon the courageous work done by men and women who serve. The park can also be used as a teaching tool for faculty, serving as an inspirational outdoor classroom. Everyone who visits the park will be prompted to recognize and appreciate the significant impact those who serve our country have made.


“As a service member, the permanent tribute to those who serve is significant because it is a symbol of my appreciation, honor and dedication to my brothers and sisters who have sacrificed their personal safety for our country,” said Matthew Palermo, Endicott College ROTC Graduate and Second Lieutenant. “I hope that this memorial is as a reminder of the commitment these men and women make every day to make the lives of others better, and also the sincere gratitude that the Endicott community has for these individuals and their families.”


Speaking at the dedication were Joanne Holbrook Patton, daughter-in-law of General George S. Patton and owner of Green Meadows Farm in Hamilton, MA, Congressman Seth Moulton, and E. Lorraine Baugh, Endicott College Trustee and wife of a member of ‘The Golden Thirteen’, the first African American commissioned and warrant officers in the United States Navy.


The Class of 2016 inspired the permanent tribute and selected it as their class gift. Endicott College commissioned local artist and sculptor Shelly Bradbury to realize the work. 


Attendees to the dedication ceremony were invited to join the Endicott community for a cookout dinner around the Endicott lakes. 


To commemorate the anniversary of 9/11, Endicott students once again participated in ‘12 Hours of LIGHT Day of Caring’, a community service project where students carry out acts of kindness, charity, and patriotism from 8:46am until 8:46pm